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Nor-Shipping 2022 – Oslo, Norway

Norway Trade Fairs Messeveien 8, 2004 Lillestrøm, Oslo, Norway

  We will be proudly represented by NDAR. To make an appointment, please contact Nick Danese. Mobile: +33 4 9291 1324 Company: NDAR Booth No.: D01-29 We will be proudly represented by VICUSdt. To make an appointment, please contact Adrian Sarasquete. Mobile: +33 888 113 547 Company: VICUSdt Booth No.: B01-01b

Webinar: DC Motors for Propulsion – Impact on Vessel Performance and Propeller Selection


Sign Up Here! Vessel power systems are more than just a rated power and RPM, as the true picture of propulsion power delivery must be viewed across the entire RPM range. For many applications, the effect of power curve shape on vessel performance and propulsor selection can be significant, particularly for developers of all-electric craft […]