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New features include Blade Layout data and Offset smoothing tools

HydroComp PropCad 2023 is the most advanced propeller design framework to date. With the 2023 release, PropCad users now have more control and feedback for their designs than ever before.

Blade Layout Group

A new group documenting the geometric position of the blade’s outline in both expanded and project views is now available in the main Section table of PropCad. This provides users with better tools for physical blade layouts and gives feedback to users transferring legacy designs to the PropCad environment.

Regression and Smoothing tools for 2D Offsets

  PropCad 2023 enables new tools for manipulating and smoothing 2D offset data, including a multiple-fit point regression. These tools are available from the Offset Toolbar Edit button to the left of the 2D Offset table. These new tools provide users with a fast and efficient way to eliminate unfair regions from their designs.

Update to DNV-GL Rules for Blade Thickness

With the 2023 edition, PropCad’s propeller blade thickness rules for DNV-GL now include explicit entry of propeller design thrust. This is an alternative to the simplified rule for estimating the propeller thrust, allowing users of PropCad 2023 to leverage their CFD analysis, model tests, lifting line codes, and other forms of calculation for use with PropCad’s DNV ruleset calculations.

Improved data extractions from CAD

One of PropCad’s most popular features has been updated with more options for users to isolate the design data from existing 3D models of propeller blades. In addition to new menu items for removing leading and trailing edge data, the utility now offers automatic extrapolation of tip data via the PropCad 2D offsets distribution file (*.sect). These improvements offer an unprecedented level of reliability and control when extracting design data from 3D models of existing propellers.

About HydroComp PropCad

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Watch the Intro to PropCad video:

For more information, contact:  Adam Kaplan, Program Manager of Propeller Tools. +1 603-868-3344.

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