Empowering Global Growth: HydroComp’s Success through the SBA STEP Grant and NH DBEA Partnership
For over a decade, HydroComp has cultivated a fruitful partnership with the New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs (DBEA). This collaboration has been instrumental in supporting HydroComp's growth and expansion efforts, particularly in reaching...
QuickTake Blog – Helpful Tips & Tricks
Valuable information about our software solutions, in bite-sized pieces. Once we develop the principal characteristics for a system’s appropriate propeller – the blade count, diameter, pitch, blade area, shaft RPM (which can be determined using NavCad) – then we...
2024 Recap
Another year (our 40th!) has passed and we continued to be very busy and productive! Software development introduced new features for each of our four product suites: NavCad, PropElements, PropCad, and PropExpert. 2024 was an eventful year full of exciting new...
Manz Group: ExpoNaval 2024 Showcasing Marine Propulsion Software & Propeller Repair Advances
Visit Them at Stand N-396US firms HydroComp, Inc. and TrueProp Software, LLC are set to showcase the marine industry’s gold-standard in hydrodynamic software and revolutionary propeller repair & inspection software at the upcoming Chilean Expo Naval exhibition....
HydroComp + TrueProp Software: Propeller Design, Sizing, & Inspection
Leer en español aquí. Leia em português aqui. A conversation with Felipe Guimarães of Person Hélices Náuticas HydroComp, Inc. and TrueProp Software, LLC are indeed partner companies, each offering specialized software solutions for the marine industry. HydroComp...
HydroComp NavCad 2024
What's New in HydroComp NavCad 2024 Development in 2024 for HydroComp NavCad offers new technical features and workflow improvements. Release Build 2024.2 Miscellaneous Added “km/h” speed unit Improved propeller sizing solution when no Drive data is present...
HydroComp PropExpert 2024
State-of-the-art propulsion tools for propellers, engines, and gears HydroComp’s most popular sizing program, PropExpert, has been updated for 2024 with new features to promote ease of use and workflow efficiency. PropExpert 2024 includes new visualization features...
Part 2: A Dynamic Duo for Decades – HydroComp & Orca3D
A two-part conversation with Bruce Hays and Larry Liebman (Orca 3D) and Don MacPherson (HydroComp) In our previous story, we discussed at length the initial collaboration and humble beginnings between the HydroComp, Inc. and Orca3D LLC organizations. In Part 2, we...
Part 1: A Dynamic Duo for Decades – HydroComp & Orca3D
A two-part conversation with Bruce Hays and Larry Leibman (Orca3D) and Don MacPherson and Jill Aaron (HydroComp) Some things in life just go together: milk and cookies, Mickey and Minnie, an ocean view and a good book. Let’s not forget the powerful combination of...
40 Years of HydroComp
It's time for a celebration! Pop the champagne, devour the chocolate. HydroComp is now 40 years young. In celebrating this significant milestone, we express our deepest gratitude to our employees, loyal customers, partners, and every member of our HydroComp...