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Software-Based Security: Floating Licenses

Download, install, and configure HydroComp software security files.

About Software-Based Security

When you purchased your software from HydroComp, you did not purchase actual goods; rather you bought the right to use the intellectual property within the software code. Put another way, you bought access to the software. This internet-connected Software-Based security authorization gives you that access.

HydroComp uses a Software-Based authorization and licensing system for Floating License management (server) and end-user security (clients). Please follow the instructions below to complete the one-time download, installation, and configuration of your Software-Based Floating License(s).

Permissions and ‘Run as Administrator’

Installing the security files requires an elevated level of permissions on Windows 7/8/10. To install the security files, right-click the installation and select the ‘Run as administrator’ option. Then be sure that the created folders have full read/write permissions. (See the PDF instructions for details.)

Note: If you do not have the ‘Run as administrator’ option or cannot set folder permissions, please contact your company’s IT Administrator to give you access to this or have them perform the procedure for you.

Server Files

Download the principal license server installation:

Download the appropriate product-specific server file installation for your licensed product(s):

Client Files

Download the appropriate product-specific client installation for your licensed product(s):


We do not expect that you will have any difficulty with your security setup if you have followed the instructions in the PDF document. However, if you do not have success with the setup, please contact HydroComp for assistance (email: